I have a love/hate relationship with September. I LOVE fall (but I hate that it means that winter is on its way). I LOVE Halloween and Thanksgiving (but I hate that it means I will be a football widow for the next few months). I love that fall is the season of Birthdays in our family--1/2 of us are within 2 weeks of each other in the fall (but I hate the 3 weeks straight of birthday cake.) I love that the kids are excited to go back to school and we get back into a routine (but I hate that that means soccer, piano, basketball, book club, etc. = no more time at home.) You get the idea, right?
I'm staying positive though, so this month we are going to celebrate what's GOOD about Fall.
First up: School
Am I the only one that has multiple children in school? (All of which have teachers that think the kid in their class is your ONLY child so they don't put their name on their weekly newsletter?!) My kids have a habit of emptying their backpack once they reach the garage--and they continue to empty it until they get to me (with an empty backpack) Last year was spent pulling my hair out trying to figure out which paper belonged to which kid and BEGGING my kids to PLEASE bring me their backpack FULL! This year? Things are changing:
Another frustration about the first day of school is that about a month before school starts, each child receives a letter in the mail with a list of school supplies they need (which I have learned from experience is NEVER accurate. The REAL list comes home with the child the first day of school--but by then all school supplies are out of stock (LOVE living in a small town!). SO, this year, even though Hand Sanitizer wasn't on the list of things they needed, I knew it WOULD be, so I decided to make that their "gift" to their teacher the first day of school:
These Hand Sanitizer Labels were so easy to apply and the teachers all LOVED them! A GREAT way to start off their year!
What are your back to school frustrations and solutions? I would love to hear them!
And stay tuned! I will be back next week with some more "fall" fun! AND, starting SEPTEMBER 26th, we will be doing our "New Product of the Week" Promotion again! A new product every week until the new year! That's 14 NEW PRODUCTS (and deep discounts to go along with them!) New 2012 Mutual and Primary Themed designs, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and lots more! Check our facebook page every Friday night (starting September 23rd) for a hint and submit your guesses for a chance to win the vinyl for free (just pay shipping) and check back Mondays for the unveiling and announcement of the winner! This Fall is going to be GREAT!
All Products listed are for the VINYL ONLY unless otherwise specified in the listing. Please Contact Us with any questions.

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