Pumpkins Anyone?

It's Harvest Time! (one of my FAVORITE parts of Fall!)

This week I was wading in peaches (not from MY peach tree, because MY tree gave me NO peaches this year.  Nice.) and decided as an afterthought to make some freezer jam.  I whipped it up really quick and poured it in my Ball Freezer Jam containers.  As they sat on my counter to "set", I thought, "Hey!  Those look like pumpkins!"  (LOVE the green lids on them!)

SO, I added some jack-o-lantern faces and snapped a quick picture.  Who doesn't love some Freezer Jam as a little Halloween treat?!  Add some vinyl faces and voila!  An easy, personal gift for teachers and neighbors alike!  (And because the 8 oz. Ball Freezer Jam containers come in a pack of 5, so do these pumpkin faces--for $2.50 for the set!  What a steal!)  Get yours today!

Here are some other Halloween themed products on our site for your viewing pleasure:

Don't forget to check our Facebook page Friday evening for a CLUE on our first "New Product of the Week" that will debut on Monday!  I can hardly wait!!!!

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