An idea came to me last night as I drifted off to sleep. (An idea that was WAY better than what I had scheduled to post today!) SO, this morning I hopped out of bed and ran into town (an hour's drive round trip--I REALLY love my customers, right?!) to get a couple of supplies . . .
Are you ready? Are you excited? I know I am! Without further adeiu, let's get to this week's PRODUCT OF THE WEEK: The PILGRIM HAT THANKSGIVING PLACEMARKERS
Every Thanksgiving, it was been a tradition in my family that I do little place markers for dinner and fill them with mints (for use after the meal). The last couple of years I made little favor boxes out of Thanksgiving scrapbook paper. They were a pain to make, fill and fold, but everyone loved them! (Unfortunately, they don't last. I have to make them all over again EVERY YEAR! That's for the birds! (I mean, who has time to do that? I still have to cook the REAL bird, right?!))
Enter this year:
I ran to Home Depot and grabbed some little terra cotta flower pots and saucers (which are on CLEARANCE this time of year--hint. hint.) Then I spray painted them black. (Note to self: Don't buy the kind that is the "hammered" look unless you have about 3 hours for it to dry. It looks cute, sure, but if you are trying to post it on your blog, it cramps your style! Yes, I know it needs an extra coat of paint, but my family won't mind. Grin.)
Then I applied the vinyl and I was FINISHED! If you subtract the 3 hour "watching paint dry" time, this project LITERALLY took me 20 minutes to do the whole set for Thanksgiving (AND they are reusable!) Pretty cool right?
Don't they look cute on the table next to the plates? |
It gets even better! (Wait for it . . . Wait for it . . . )
If you lift up the hat, it's filled with an assortment mints for after dinner!
Now let's talk details:
Do you want to make a set for YOUR Thanksgiving festivities this year? It's not too late! They are $1.50 for one or 10/$10. But don't forget: THIS WEEK ONLY, they are 40% off! Use promo code:
PILGRIM40 at checkout for the
Pilgrim Hat single vinyl or
HAT40 for the
Pilgrim Hat set of 10. That's pretty cheap for such a great table decoration, am I right? (I know I am. Grin.)