will temporarily be closed November 10th - 15th so that I can enjoy a vacation with my family. Order's placed on or after November 16th will not be fulfilled until December 2nd. Thanks!
Super Saturday and Christmas Orders
I will not be accepting any orders through my website from November 10th-December 2nd. If you have a Super Saturday date during that time, I will need your order no later than November 9th.
If you would like to place an order for Christmas, keep in mind that USPS is swamped during the holiday season. Last year they were running up to 2 weeks late. Christmas orders should be placed by December 10th.
And as always, thank you so much for your continued business. I truly appreciate each and every order.
Posted by mckay 0 comments
Two New Nativities

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Labels: Christmas, Holiday/Seasonal Decor
Children's Nativity
Posted by mckay 0 comments
Labels: Christmas, Holiday/Seasonal Decor
Group Craft Project Ideas

Posted by mckay 0 comments
NEW Blackboard Vinyl and sale code
I am so excited to announce the new blackboard vinyl!!! It's a peel-and-stick blackboard, how much easier could it get? I am envisioning it in my kids rooms and hoping it deters them from drawing all over every other wall. Here are just two other ideas for blackboard vinyl:
Posted by mckay 0 comments
Free Shipping For the Week of 4/7-4/14
Hi Everyone! Please enjoy free shipping for this week only. Enter in Promo code FRSHP at check out.
Posted by mckay 0 comments
Just for Fun
Hello, friends! This month I am running a HUGE promotion! Enter in code MarchMadness at checkout for 40% off ANYTHING in the store. This includes custom sayings, temples, LDS 2009 theme vinyl, EVERYTHING!
Enjoy and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Posted by mckay 0 comments
Become an Affiliate and Earn $$$!
Want an easy way to earn some money? Become an affiliate! Here's how it works:
1. Sign up to become an affiliate.
2. Place my button on your blog/web page
3. As people click that button and place orders, you earn money!
I will pay you 10% of the total of every order placed through the button on your blog/web page. Once your balance has reached $20.00 I will pay you directly through your PayPal account. You can check your running balance by signing into your account here.
And, to make it an even better deal, once you have become an affiliate and placed my button on your blog/web page, send me a link to it and I will send you a promotional code for 30% off your next purchase!
Posted by mckay 0 comments
My Eternal Family Project

Posted by mckay 0 comments
Labels: lds christian themed
New Etched Glass Vinyl and a Glass Block Vinyl Sale!
This is new etched glass vinyl. It looks so pretty and really does look just like etched glass. I love this because it is 10x easier than messing with a sandblaster or etching cream. I love the way the temples look in this vinyl, but really anything looks pretty {except my bows...somebody PLEASE send me a tutorial!). The regular price for this etched glass vinyl for an 8x8 size is $9.50 but this week all glass block vinyl is on sale. The etched glass vinyl is $7.00 and all other vinyl {all for sized for 8x8 glass blocks} is $5.00.
Posted by mckay 0 comments
Labels: lds christian themed
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! {And another SALE!}

Posted by mckay 0 comments