It snowed here today. SNOWED. (boo!) I don't know about you, but I am REALLY ready for spring! I am hoping that maybe if I put up a few "Spring" designs, I might be able to will it to come sooner! (I know I'm crazy to think that since it also snowed on June 4th last year, but hey, a girl can dream, right?!) I am working on a few new Easter designs that I will be putting up starting Monday (see the facebook page for details on how you can WIN ONE for free (just pay shipping)!!!!)
In the meantime, here are 2 custom projects I have worked on recently that I thought turned out SUPER cute! Take a look and tell me what you think!
Is that not the CUTEST tree/nursery you have EVER seen?! Get a closer look at this ADORABLE bird it a nest:
And these owls?! Precious!
She showed me a picture of one she had found online and I created this based on her picture. Tree can be flipped to lean the other way if desired. Measures 88 inches tall and approximately 128" wide.
On to the next project:
THESE silhouettes I did a few months ago? Well, my mother fell in love and had me make this design for her living room with custom silhouettes of each of her grandchildren above the quote. I think it turned out great! Here's a picture of the finished product above her window. LOVE. IT.
Do you have any projects in mind? A room you are re-decorating? A wall that needs a "special touch"? Contact me! I'd love to help you make it just the way you want it!