Sorry for the delay--hopefully it will be worth the wait! Did you know the new 2011 LDS Primary Theme is "I Know the Scriptures are True"--whether you are LDS or not, I think all Christians can find truth in that statement. After many requests, I have decided to take a slight detour on our Christmas themed products for this week and introduce 3 new products centered around the 2011 Primary Theme.
Magnet Board is perfect for posting the daily/weekly/monthly scripture! It comes in a choice of 2 fonts: Formal or Block--specify in the comments section which font you prefer.
Block Font |
Formal Font |
The reminder board is a great Christmas Gift for Primary Children (especially at 40% off!). They put the board on their pillow each morning when they make their bed. Each night they will hit their head on the board and BANG!--a reminder to read scriptures. Grin. :)
NOW, because I know it's Christmas and it would be weird to not do an actual Christmas themed item (and because I know you all had to wait a long time for this post to finally go up), here's the FREE offer I have for you:
The Time Capsule Ornament Vinyl is a great way to reflect on the year and create a time capsule at the same time. Start with a clear glass ornament, and apply the vinyl to the outside. On strips of paper, have family members write their favorite memories from the year. Roll up the strips of paper and slip inside the ornament. Replace the top and Voila! Instant time capsule!
With any order of one of these 2011 Primary Themed Designs, you will receive a
Time Capsule Ornament Vinyl ABSOLUTELY FREE (My Christmas Gift to you!)!!!! (It will not show up in your cart, but will be sent with your order.) Valid on ANY 2011 Primary Theme order THIS WEEK ONLY!
It gets better! The 2011 Primary Theme Vinyl Designs are all 40% off
THIS WEEK ONLY with promo code
PRIMARY40. (It will be good through the 14th, since it is going up so late today.) Happy Holidays!